Prayatn Society for Environment Conservation

All posts by Puneet

Animal Rights

There is much contradiction as to whether non-human animals have rights, and what is meant by animal rights. There is much less disagreement about the consequences of accepting that animals have rights. The consequences of animal rights Animal rights teach us that certain things are wrong as a matter of principle, that there are some


Afforestation refers to the way toward changing over a non-woods arrive into a backwoods. Afforestation is highly important to maintain the biodiversity. India is an rising or developing country whereas the controlling of Carbon emission is very much challenging for the policy makers. The main reason is that India needs much more versatile industries to

Water Conservation

Introduction Water is the valuable gift of God on the earth. Life exists on the earth because of the accessibility of water. Itself being tasteless, odorless and colorless, it includes taste, color and nice smell in the life of living beings on the earth. It is found everywhere and known as life. It takes nothing

Global Warming

Global warming or climate change has today become a major threat to the mankind. The Earth’s temperature is on the ascent and there are different purposes behind it, for example, ozone harming substances exuding from carbon dioxide (CO2) outflows, consuming of non-renewable energy sources or deforestation. Impact of Greenhouse Gases The rise in the levels

Renewable Energy

There are numerous types of sustainable power source . The greater part of these sustainable power sources depend somehow on daylight. Wind and hydroelectric power are the im(meddiate aftereffect of differential warming of the Earth’s surface which prompts air moving about win) and precipitation framing as the air is lifted. Sun based vitality is the immediate


Millions of acres of forest are cut down for industrial benefit, such as large scale farming, oil mining, and the production of paper goods. Deforestation causes wildlife and biodiversity extinction. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has a Red List of environmentally threatened species with up-to-date information. Oftentimes, the cause for their threatened

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